Sunday, August 26, 2007

Italian Greyhound 2007-08-26 Almare-Stäket (Nat)

Stockholms Kennelklubb

Judge: Barbara Ruth Smith, USA/Sweden
Entered: 2

BOB NorwCh SwedCh Mannequin's Fantastic Fashion

Unfortunately, rain and cold weather showed up for the finals...

Chinese Crested 2007-08-26 Almare-Stäket (Nat)

Stockholms Kennelklubb

Judge: Göran Bodegård, Sweden
Entered: 74

3rd in open class competition NorwCh Eugenios Ren Ying

Saturday, August 18, 2007

Chinese Crested 2007-08-18 Nyköping (Nat)

Södermanlands Kennelklubb
Rosvalla, Nyköping

Judge: Glo Mitcham-Geringer, USA
Entered: 65

4th in open class competition NorwCh Eugenios Ren Ying
1st in veteran class competition NorwCh SwedCh Eugenios Tequila Sunrise

A (for us) short and (for all) windy day in Nyköping.
The judge wrote very short critics - Polka got 7 words and Ester only got 4 words. It was very difficult to understand the motivations of the judge by reading the critics.

Wednesday, August 15, 2007

Showing Chinese Cresteds

There is now some kind of official message from the Swedich Kennel Club and the Swedish Chinese Crested Club saying that the Chinese Crested Club thinks that it's OK with shaving occasional (a few) hairs on Chinese Crestad hairless. The Swedish Kennel Club hasn't stated what they think, so we have to assume that they accept the view from the Chinese Crested Club.
Shaving is not allowed at the show ground, and it's not allowed if it means any kind of suffering (or similar) for the dog. Shaving should be done with proper tools.

This means that anyone can claim that they only shaved "occasional hairs". So the shaving will continue as before, but people will now avoid doing it openly.

There were no additional consequences for me or Polka. She was stopped from most summer shows awaiting the final official decision from the Board of the Swedish Kennel Club.
(The result for Polka from Västerås in April was deleted, even if we didn't do anything that wasn't allowed.)

Based on this we will now start showing Chinese Cresteds again since we only shave occasional hairs.